Getting a medical college in India, it's tough,but wait the toughest is still coming. yes, M.B.B.S is tough, very tough at least in my, if u want to be a doctor be prepared. STARTING OF MEDICAL SCHOOL Medical school starts with waking up early in the morning, line up for the bathroom , and having your breakfast in hustle and as much as u can as your lunch time will be around 1 o'clock in afternoon. first two months were the toughest, to accommodate in the routine of medical school. Also, in starting u have to make friends, and students come from different parts of India. so, u have to learn to live with the people of different cultures.You have to learn to behave and respect seniors. Attending lectures and labs from 8-4 is very tiring. After finishing your classes your bed seems to be heaven.You have to deal with academic pressure, a...